Slideshow: A walk around Three Island Crossing

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Glenns Ferry, Idaho

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About rvsueandcrew

Fulltime nomad
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39 Responses to Slideshow: A walk around Three Island Crossing

  1. Reine says:

    Great pictures – no matter what the crew thinks.

  2. klbexplores says:

    Well, we all enjoyed the walk. Spike and Bridgett be kind….. we like the flower pics!
    It appears to be a wonderful place for walks

  3. Angie2B says:

    I would love to have a day like that!

  4. What a wonderful walk and I am not the least bit tired!!! Thanks Sue and Crew.

  5. Francy says:

    those rental cabins are awesome! great pics.

  6. Jim Sathe says:

    Three Island Crossing is one of our favorite Idaho State Parks. We will be there in September on our way to the Oregon Coast. Glad you got to enjoy it!

  7. Chuck says:

    To all; Idaho is gorgeous…the further north gets even better.
    To Spike; hang in there, Bud, the hound herd is on your side!
    To Bridget; you be looking skinny gal, all that ahiking be good for you!
    To Sue; pictures are beautiful…yeah..I did flowers on one of my Hawaii trips.. and the dogs’ view
    is GREAT!!!
    Thanks for sharing!!!

  8. Penny says:

    What a beautiful day and great pictures too! I know I enjoyed your walk immensely and I’m not even winded 😉 I love hearing Spike and Bridget chatting away 😀

  9. geogypsy2u says:

    Great walk. Sure glad you two took rvsue with to document.

  10. Royce says:

    Great pictures. I always look at them first. Sue, I just found a website for dump stations. It’s
    RVDUMPSITES.NET. I’ll bet you can review a lot of them when you have the time. Thanks for your blog. My wife and I love it.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Rating dumps… Hmmm…. Although a benefit to the RVing community, not near the top of my list of “Fun things to do around the campsite.” Ha! Just kidding. I’m very glad you and your wife enjoy my blog. I was lazy with this last one, opting for a slideshow to tell the story of our day.

  11. Sherry says:

    This is a beautiful slide show Sue. Life looks really lovely and relaxed for you and crew!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Sherry. There’s something about strolling around under massive trees with green grass everywhere (like here in the campground) that soothes the soul. I think the quiet — only the sound of sprinklers — is therapeutic.

  12. Great to get out of the smoke… Breathe well, dodge the fires, and travel safe.
    Box Canyon Mark

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yes, it it good to be out of the smoke. It may not seem that bad looking around at close range. Then when you drive away and look back….”Yikes! I was breathing in THAT?” I didn’t give up smoking 35 years ago to have my lungs messed up now! It’s a time like this i’m so glad my house is on wheels.

  13. Sue, Enjoyed the photos so much! Spike and Bridget sound a lot like my crew when I get out the camera. 🙂 Idaho is a lovely state. Can’t wait to see your pictures of travels more westerly!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kittie! it will be interesting (and new for me) to see how the land and vegetation changes as we move west. I want to come back another summer and visit the upper part of Idaho.

      Can you believe I drove past Register Rock without stopping? I wanted to see it. The smoke was so thick there, I didn’t want us out of the PTV.

  14. gingerda says:

    I really enjoyed the slide show. The flowers are so pretty, as is the whole camp ground. Cute little rental cabins. I’d love to be there right now!! Great job Spike and Bridget and of course you too, Sue. lol.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      This is an exceptionally pretty campground . . . so many mature trees, lush grass, and everything manicured and maintained in tip-top condition. Good to know you liked the slideshow… It was the kind of day that was best expressed in photos, not text.

  15. Kim says:

    I agree with Bridget. Pretty photos! That walk epitomizes so much of what this adventure is about, isn’t it? So cool.

  16. Vicki says:

    Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for sharing your travels, especially through pictures. And I love your dogs point of view…lol
    We settled on our trailer last week and purchased a slightly used Rpod 175. We came across it at a good price while looking at and considering a Casita. It was our first choice but Forest River had stopped making that style and we couldn’t seem to find one. We are very excited and are planning, Lord willing, to spend at least a month next summer exploring our favorite places in the west.
    Some time you should add Michigan to your travels and Wisconsin. I’m from Michigan by the way.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Vicki… Congratulations on your Rpod! I wish you many happy days and nights in the places it takes you!

      I haven’t seen Michigan or Wisconsin, so maybe someday I’ll go there. Nice to hear from you.

  17. HatMan says:

    Your comment about watching the land and vegetation change as you move around got me to wondering if you could notice the accents/sayings of those you talk with change as well? Southern, midwestern, upper midwestern (Minnasoodin), transplanted Canadian?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, HatMan,

      I haven’t noticed differences as much as I expected to. I think it’s because I’ve heard so many different ways of speaking over the past year that it’s blending. Also, the people I meet usually are people who have moved around a lot in their lives which dampens the accent somewhat.

      Yes, I’ve heard the Canadian “take the garbage oot” and a couple of Texans, the Nebraskan accent is hard to pin down but I could pick up a slight difference. No Minnesota. I think the most surprising thing for me is how quickly people react when I tell them about selling my house in Georgia. “But you don’t sound like you’re from Georgia. You sound New England.” (Michael said that.) I left the Northeast forty years ago!

  18. Cynthia Moody says:

    Sue, Don’t know if you have ran across the news article about the missing Casita owner and his two dogs. (Google “Missing Mark Bennett” )He was making a trip to Glacier National Park to celebrate winning his battle with cancer. He is from Tulsa, OK and was driving a white Chev Silverado ( Lic 591-EUA) , pulling his Casita. Phone records show a call was make on his cell from near St. Mary’s Lake, in Lake County Montana. With all the readers you have, if you mentioned it on you blog, someone may see something that would help to locate him.

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