A clean Casita with a kitchen that sparkles!

Tuesday morning . . . I only feel like cleaning the BLT on sunny days.

Hence, these past few cloudy days have taken a toll on our little home.  Muddy paw and boot prints, dirty dishes piled up, and clutter on all surfaces would be a mess in a regular house.  In a 14-foot living space, however, it’s a catastrophe!

Fortunately the sun is shining brightly on our camp in the desert.

I open the door and sweep out the dried mud.  Later I’ll mop, er, wipe down with a clean rag.  I shake the bedding outside and fold it up neatly.  The opposite side of the BLT, across the aisle from the bed, is a mound of stuff . . . clothes, coat, towel, whatever.  I’ll tackle that later, too.  Right now I want to get a blog entry done!

I did wash the dishes of which there were many.

I love my kitchen!  It’s so cute and pretty when it’s clean.  A few spritzes of cleaner and a wipe-down make the fiberglass gleam.

How my kitchen is supposed to look

Visitors to our house usually remark how the white in the kitchen and along the ceiling and floor, brighten the living space.  Every time I finish making the kitchen sparkle, I wonder why I didn’t do it sooner! 

Bridget always stays inside when I’m on a cleaning binge.  I admit I talk to her as I wash and dry the dishes.  Spike is right outside the open door, sitting in the sunshine, soaking up the heat reflected off the BLT, and occasionally barking at unseen . . . uh . . . I don’t have a clue why he barks.  All is well.  I guess he barks as a preventative measure.  

Our walk this morning was spectacular.

We found another high spot with a narrow strip sticking out over the desert.  It was like being in one of those commercials where a person is alone on an overlook with no one around for miles, and the music is playing along with a voice-over.  Our music was the song of birds with no voice-over.  Bridget, Spike and I stayed up there for a long time, absolutely delighted by the desert once again.  I didn’t have the camera with me because I had no intention of taking a long walk.  The desert lured us further and further away from our camp.  It’s the desert’s fault!

I’m excited about the Readers’ RVing Resources page!

Thanks to those of you who are taking the time to write.  I’m enjoying reading about your favorite rving items.  If readers continue to add to the page, it will be interesting, helpful, and fun for all of us.  I plan to add some of my favorites, too.

Okay.  Time to get back to the house-cleaning. 


About rvsueandcrew

Fulltime nomad
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65 Responses to A clean Casita with a kitchen that sparkles!

  1. Steve Mense says:

    Enjoyed your writing very much, reminds me of my boondocking trips. I am retired with an understanding wife who still works. I am not full time but three months in the spring and two months in the fall. All these months are spent on a large ranch in Western Kansas and I fossil hunt for enjoyment, and lots of reading.

    Steve and Koda (Border Collie)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Steve and Koda!

      Thank you. I’m glad you enjoy my writing.

      RVing is great because everyone can RV the way that fits their personality, hobbies and interests, and their present circumstances. It sounds like you’ve got a good plan going that suits you very well.

      I bet the border collie keeps you active, too!

      • Steve Mense says:

        Have always had dog friends. My dogs were always of the hunting and retrieving variety. Met this rancher and studied up on border collies, knew it was going to be a challange but what a friend she is, too darn smart sometimes. I swear they can read your mind at times.

  2. Geri says:

    Wanna come clean the MotherShip???
    Glad you had a nice relaxing walk!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Nope . . . I forgot to mention another thing I like about my kitchen . . . It’s SMALL! My cleaning ambition fades fast.

      Hope the dust has settled in NM . . .

      • Geri says:

        Dust has settled, allergies have erupted! Chip working on MotherShip! Dust is about 3″ thick on every #$@!@#$##!!!! thing! haha! Guess I better get busy dusting! Got to do the same to the MotherShip when she gets back! We should b ready to take off by the 15th or so!!! Getting excited!

  3. FreeSpirit says:

    I can almost feel the landscape of that which you describe. 🙂 I am familiar with that feeling of admiration for nature’s beauty. Once, while driving to Lake Tahoe years back, I was driving over a hilly road in the little Toyota Tercel I had at the time. Once I got over this one particular hill a huge spread of prairie flowers enjoying the sunlight greeted me. It was at that very moment that these words popped in to my mind: “Table for one?” *Sigh*

    I can hardly wait for my adventures to begin! Sure, there may be a few F bombs (frick?), maybe not, here and there but that’s part of the journey. 🙂

    This is the last day and night in my house. Then, the new owners move in some time after that. I’ll keep you posted. Thanks for all of the inspiring blogs, they really do help. I was anticipating a bit of separation anxiety from the house routine and so forth but, ‘nothing.’ 🙂 Much to my pleasant surprise! Happy Trails to all.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Happy trails to YOU, Corinne!

      You don’t miss things that are replaced with something better . . . When I drove out of my driveway for the last time, I didn’t even give the house a final look. My focus was on the road out to a new life! I wish you the best!

      Thanks for painting that pretty picture for us. It reminded me of the yellow flowers spread out before us at the end of Coyote Road (last fall in NM).

      • Free Spirit says:

        Thanks Sue! I hear ya sister!!! I’ll be taking photos and videos along the way too. In the meantime, please everyone, accept this Ecard as a small token of my appreciation for all that you have contributed to this wonderful web link for the benefit of all. 🙂

        If the word god offends anyone, for what ever personal reasons, then please feel free to replace it with what ever it is you personally believe in. The message is the same. “Love.”


        See everyone down the road perhaps! Until then…


  4. Chinle says:

    I have a mug that says, “The best way to avoid housecleaning is to live outdoors.”

    I hate housecleaning, so I like to cook outside. If you saw how I cook, you would understand. I get sidetracked and things burn or boil over. I mostly just don’t cook. But I admire your kiutchen, it’s about just the right size. You were smart to get the covers, I neglected to get that on my Casita and was always cleaning out the sink and stove.

    Where to next, oh vagabonds? 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I love the wisdom of your mug! Cooking and eating outside is such fun compared to inside. Thanks for admiring my kitchen. I like the covers very much. If I don’t feel like cleaning around the heating elements, I just say,”Oh well, I’ll do that later,” and put down the cover. Out of sight, out of mind!

      I don’t know where we’re going next. I don’t want to wait forever for the snow to melt in the mountains, but I’m not going up there until it does.

      • Chuck says:

        You smart lady to stay put ’til snow melts!!!!

      • Chinle says:

        WIll say that if you’re making your way north, Snow Canyon in St. George is a wonderful place to stay. Not really boondocking, as there are showers, etc., but almost. A really pretty place and will soon be too hot there. It’s near town, so you can enjoy the dino museum, etc. I spent 2 weeks there in my Casita and really enjoyed it. A nice library nearby in Ivins, too. And not far away are serval other state parks that are nice.

  5. Sue Johnson says:

    Hi Sue, Your description of the desert today is lovely.
    A question about the casita? What is the flooring??? I suppose part of it is carpet. Do you find that hard to keep clean ??

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Sue!

      I ordered my Casita with vinyl flooring. Absolutely no carpet. With two dogs, I’d hate to have to worry about the carpet. What I’ve done is put down a shaggy throw rug in the aisle. It’s the same width. Unlike carpeting, I can shake it outside, something I do almost every day. I also have a small, berber weave type rug at the door, in front of the crew’s dishes. When summer comes I’ll probably store the bigger rug in the PTV to keep the floor cool for Bridget and Spike.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Oh, and another thing . .. With a throw rug (which for me is actually a room-size rug!) I can change the color of the floor for under $10 whenever I feel like a different look.

        • Sue Johnson says:

          I like that idea!! No carpet . With pets , much easier !! I suppose most RVS have carpet.

          • I am now logging in using my facebook account so you can see who I am . I just realized that the Sue Johnson does not connect to anything.

            • Geri says:

              Our MotherShip came with very little carpet… only on the area where the slide out is, everything else is a wonderful tile floor made from recycled car tires! We have the Evergreen Everlite 30′ 5th wheeland 3 dogs! No carpet is great!

        • Elizabeth in NC says:

          These ideas sound good even if one does NOT have pets!! Carpets always seem to collect a lot of dirt and the washable, shakable kinds sound best for a lifestyle that might include lots of going outdoors!

  6. Richard H says:

    RVers and sailors can learn from each other. A popular sail boat tactic for keeping the dishes under control is known as C-B-C – Clean Before Coffee. While the good stuff’s perking, susy off the plates and do the pots, wipe down the stove and counters – and then you get a little reward. Nothing worse than a sink full of dishes, a dirty stovetop and counters covered in used pots and pans when the breeze gets up and it’s “all hands on deck” time…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good thing I’m not a sailor! My saying is C-B-C . . . Coffee Before Cleaning.

      • Mary stranded says:

        On our sail boat nothing comes B-C! (before coffee). The sinks on the sailboat are deep for good reason. Holding the dirty dishes till it’s calm enough to wash them.

  7. Emjay says:

    I notice that you have a spice rack attached to your wall. Did you do that or did the Casita sellers do that? Ther reason I ask is because I have a tiny trailer (new) with vinyl covered walls. It is Im-poss-i-ble to hang anything on the walls unless it’s with Command strips, which aren’t quite strong enough for spice racks. Or much else, really. If I punch a hole in the wall to hang anything, that means putting it through the outside shell. So…here’s my question: What do you do for soap racks in the shower? Towel racks ?


    • rvsueandcrew says:


      Hi! The spice rack was attached to the kitchen wall when I picked up the BLT from the factory. Ditto for the towel rack on the bathroom door. I have a stack of medium size, plastic storage drawers under the bathroom sink. They blend in nicely with the white fiberglass and are easy to remove/put back. One drawer is toilet paper, another drawer is toothbrush, toothpaste, extra soap. Third drawer is shampoo, conditioner, etc. I don’t need a soap rack in the shower. When showering the soap/shampoo/whatever is in the sink.

      Hanging stuff on the carpeted walls of the Casita is easy with drapery hooks.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Thinking about your vinyl walls . .. Could you use something with butterfly anchors? In other words, drill, screw in the short bolt and the anchors open up between wall and shell?

        • Emjay says:

          I wish. But there really doesn’t seem to be much between wall and shell. I’ll have to go back to the literature that came with it to see what the insulation space is.


          • rvsueandcrew says:

            Emjay . . . Rethinking this . . . Probably the best chance you have for finding a solution is to ask other people who have the same type camper how they hang things on the wall. I’ve learned almost everything I know from other Casita owners . . .

            • Emjay says:

              Good idea! Now why didn’t I think of that?


              • Geri says:

                Chuck found me some great spice jar holders that stick to the walls! I will try to find the link and post it here and on the resource page. Sue has seen them, I have mine pasted to the inside of the cupboard doors, each strip hold 4 spices. I buy the smallest size I can to not weigh it down, but in 2 years, they have continued to stick!

    • Geri says:

      I found the link to the spice racks I use. I posted below, but could not reply there again ??? so the first part of this response is there and here is the link that might be your solution. I have used these spice racks for 2+ years with great success!
      Also put on resource site.

  8. geogypsy2u says:

    Funny, I don’t Like cleaning any time, but it usually happens on the grayest days to help brighten up my house. Sign hanging in my kitchen “Dull women have immaculate homes” and I don’t consider myself dull.

    I love all the white reflecting light in your place. I really need to tackle the windows of which I have many. Need a job? 😉

    The snow is melting rapidly on this clear sky sunny first of spring day.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I was looking over the PTV and the BLT and was pleased to see the wind, rain, and hail washed most of the dirt and sand off.

      I didn’t realize today is the first day of spring. I’m lucky to know the day of the week.

      • strawberrypolly says:

        I had sign like that and it made my sister in law so mad that I put up another one. “Creative women have more important things to do with their time than housework”

        I am incognito as Strawberry Polly because Word Press made me sign in again and wouldn’t let me use Pauline

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi, Pauline,

          What the heck? WordPress won’t let you use Pauline? That doesn’t make sense. There are so many Bills and Bobs that sign in here, no problem. Pauline isn’t that common a name.

          I’ve been thinking about you, wondering how you are, so I’m happy to see you here.

          • Geri says:

            Lat week WordPress wouldn’t let me in either! I have to re-sign up, like it was the first time visiting your site!

  9. Sherry says:

    Ah Sue only you could make a great blog out of cleaning. I’m with you on the love of early morning walks. Everything seems so fresh and new. As if anything could happen this day. And of course it could. A very happy Spring Equinox to you and the crew today!


  10. Kelly says:

    Hi Sue,
    What a perfect lovely day ! Over here it is A.C. ( After Coffee) nothing gets done until I have two cups of java….love cawfee in the morning !!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yeah, I can’t get happy about a cup of tea the way I can about coffee.

      I didn’t realize you are the Kelly of “Al and Kelly” until I looked at your comment a second time and clicked on your name. So funny! I can be so clueless. Hope you and Cora are on the mend.

  11. mickent says:

    I would bet that within a week you will see a major desert bloom. You can enjoy the change while waiting for the north / mountain snow to melt away… but then I guess you have to move soon?

    Coffee is one luxury I allow myself. I buy whole beans from http://www.thecoffeefool.com/ and grind them fresh every morning. I use a Bunn brewer that brews with 190 degree water but it would not be good for a RV in that it maintains a reservoir of hot water and is always plugged in.
    Decaf only because I shoot 10 meter air pistol and can’t be jittering. LOL


    • I was thinking a french press would be good for an RV. That is what I use at home and take it camping as well. It only makes two cups and I manage to drink that while still hot since my first cup goes down super quick !! Coffee addict in the morning here !

  12. Chinle says:

    Hey, Sue, thanks for the inspiration for my blog today. 🙂

  13. Al from The Bayfield Bunch says:

    Think I know of that scenic high spot of which you speak. We walked out & stood there a few times in the morning sun admiring the view a couple weeks ago. Would look especially great right now with snow on the Weaver mountains. By the way, I trimmed up that Palo Verde tree beside you to make it walkable underneath……….don’t tell Boonie:))

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      The desert will never be the same.

      • Chinle says:

        LOL! Gotta watch Al when he gets those pruners going, nothing’s safe, not even Boonie, probably, if he were in the way. 🙂

    • Ed says:

      I wouldn’t worry much about Boonie. I would be more concerned with Sue’s Ranger that had an attitude about people cutting limbs of off the desert vegetation.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        You know, Ed, I got to thinking the same thing. Now I’m wondering if the Ranger was looking over that tree while I was talking with the other Ranger. That would explain his unhappy manner with me. Don’t worry, Al, I’ll cover for you!

  14. FreeSpirit says:

    For all of you hummingbird lovers out there.
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjBIKGBzj9E This was taken in my back yard. Well, not my backyard any longer after today! 🙂 Now, the new home owners can enjoy the hummingbird spa because I’m leaving it for them. They are bird enthusiasts as well. Makes me feel good to know that the hummers and doves will still get their morning seed and morning nectar after I leave. The new owners make their own home made nectar as well.

    Anyway, hope you all enjoy.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Wow! Those hummingbirds have it better than I do. I’d like to have a big one of those spas right now . . . filled up with water . . . water . . . water . . .

    • Geri says:

      Loved watching your hummingbirds! I keep several feeders out, but never thought about a water spa!

      • FreeSpirit says:

        Thank you Geri. I had no idea hummingbirds even bathed until I saw them bathing in a fountain at Lowe’s in their garden department! “Sold.” 🙂 lol..

  15. Cleaning is a good kind of work. It is good for the soul. As I read your blog I think your soul must be doing high-fives. If you haven’t read Care of the Soul by Thomas Moore I think you would really enjoy it. You can find more about it on my Shelfari site: http://www.shelfari.com/booksandbeach where I keep track of my reading. I love your pictures. You’re so much fun!

  16. FreeSpirit says:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Q6iHiIv77k Here’s one for the ‘crew.’ So cute with his little pink tongue!

  17. Sylvia K says:

    Morning Sue,
    I reach for my cup of java and web surfing every morning, then I head to work. As I type this (my day of work) I am being serenated by the songs of the morning birdies outside my window. My husband and I enjoy cooking and our kitchen is always a challenge, but it seems that the RV kitchen gets cleaned faster than the one at home. How is that possible? Looking forward to one day only cleaning the RV!
    Have a great day.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I think I know why the RV kitchen gets cleaned faster than the one at home. The RV kitchen is a play kitchen.

      The BLT is the Barbie Dream House I never had.

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