So it goes, Mohs nose

Ah yes, don’t you hate that day-before feeling?

The day before a test, or the day before having to give a speech, or the day before the first day on a new job.   For me, when teaching, it was the day before the first day of school.  You get older, and it’s the day before surgery.

Well, thank God it isn’t the Middle Ages!

I received a packet in the mail today.  Patient forms to fill out and a multi-color brochure showing the Mohs procedure.  Oh, how lovely.  Notice the lower case.  Mohs comes from Dr. Fredric Mohs, a guy into skin in the 1930s.  I wrongly perceived it to be MOHS as in My Only Hope Surgery or Man, Operations Hurt Somuch!

I did a dumb thing and took a nap.

Now I’ll be up all night.  That will give me plenty of time to think.  I don’t want to think.  I want to sleep.  For about two days.

If this is your first visit to rvsue and her canine crew, you’re probably confused.

Why no pictures of a single grandma sitting in a camp chair alongside her camper, sipping wine, as she and her two lovely dogs gaze at the glorious streams of red and orange emanating from the setting sun?

I’ll explain.  It goes like this: 

I ordered a Casita travel trailer back in NOVEMBER from the factory in Texas.  (I live in Georgia.)  It was finished in MARCH OF THE FOLLOWING YEAR!  I thought I’d be picking it up in JUNE, immediately following my retirement.  Look at the calendar.  It is now AUGUST!   It’s been one thing or another, mostly waiting for my house to be sold.  Then when it finally sold, my nose goes and attacks me for no good reason.  Well, there were those sunburns . . .

Anyway . . . 

Please be patient and wait with me for the adventure to begin.  I don’t want to wait by myself!


About rvsueandcrew

Fulltime nomad
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13 Responses to So it goes, Mohs nose

  1. Kim says:

    As a loyal follower, I feel the adventure has already begun! (I wasn’t impatient until you mentioned the prospect of photos of Bridget and Spike gazing at the sunset).

    Good luck tomorrow! I know you will feel immense relief to be done with it.

  2. Reine says:

    Now that you know all about the procedure, it should be a snap – but I understand the “day before feeliong”. I used to prefer to leave after work on Friday for a trip instead of dark-thirty on Saturday morning like Paul prefers because I couldn’t (and really can’t still) relax and sleep till we were on our way. This time tomorrow it will all be over with.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m hoping I don’t come out of it with a face like a baboon’s butt.

      I love those words “it will be all over with” and Kim’s “be done with it.”

  3. kayjulia says:

    It’s scary to think about, but you will be fine just go with the flow it will be over before you know it and you mend and it will all be history……

  4. Bill Kelleher says:

    I hope all went well and you didn’t read this before you go. :))

    I got a new computer and had saved my bookmarks awhile back and didn’t have yours so had to find you again.

    Bill Kelleher

  5. Mumsy says:

    Waiting with you here. Still hoping all goes well with your nose and it heals quickly. Hugs

  6. Tawny says:

    I wonder if he is the same guy who created the Mohs hardness scale to classify minerals. It seems unlikely that the guy would be into cancer and minerals, but how many famous Dr.Mohs can there be?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I looked up Dr. Mohs of the hardness scale. Not the same guy because he died in 1839 and the other Dr. Mohs came up with this skin surgery in the 30s. Coincidentally, their first names are Fredrich and Fredric.

      Gee, the stuff you can learn at rvsue and her canine crew!

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